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this is not a mama blog

#RealTalk about developing yourself and raising kids. Covering everything from mom guilt to dating in the Arab world.

Posts in child development
You Just Saw...What?

There are lots of single people who kind of, switch off, when their married friends are talking.

As though nothing they say could pertain to us - all that talk about buying bedsheets and choosing private schools - boring!

However, I think it’s great to listen, as it’s important to honor your friends’ journeys, AND tbh, it could save you lots of time researching things in the future. Sometimes, you hear downright freaky stuff. Take, for example, this weird fact about being pregnant.

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My friend Dana* was in the bathroom at a party when she was pregnant, and suddenly she saw cockroaches walking down the walls.

Like ten of them! She jumped up midstream (no small feat when you are pregnant) and was about to go warn the host, when she realized that the roach party stopped about halfway down the wall. …That couldn’t be right. There had to be a reason she was seeing things. She blinked again and saw that they weren’t cockroaches at all, just dark spots that were confined to one part of her eyesight.

Upon consulting the internet, as we do, Dana found out that her pregnancy was affecting her vision.

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There are apparently a wide range of really serious to totally casual reasons that you could see things when you are pregnant. Often, you just need to hydrate and sleep, which was the case with Dana. However, if you’re having repeated instances of hallucinations, you could be having symptoms of hypertension or diabetic retinopathy that you should get checked out.

However, I’m sure you’re fine. Just listen to your body, and all your wise mommy friends.

*Names will be changed throughout this blog so that my friends don’t stop saying weird shit in front of me.

Holler, World.

Blogging is one of those things you keep saying you’ll do, and somehow never get around to.

Especially if you have a full-time job and kids. However, I have no children. And I have created a niche for myself of multiple freelance jobs (writing, teaching yoga, modeling), which means there are no full-time obligations in my world.

Patching together my understanding of the world, one colorful block at a time.

Patching together my understanding of the world, one colorful block at a time.

So here’s to doing the things you say you’ll do!

My motivation for writing THIS IS NOT A MOMMY BLOG is multi-dimensional. First of all, I am loving being the witness of my first-time mommy friends. We are learning a lot as a “village” and I feel moved to record our findings.

Second of all, I have as many friends who are single in their thirties as I do getting married, having kids, and in some cases, getting divorced. The tides are changing. And I’m here to examine those new patterns, to ask why they’ve emerged, and look at how we’re doing things differently. What’s all this noise about polyamory? Is online dating working? How are mindsets evolving around same-sex parenting? What IS mom guilt, and does it have a scientific basis?

I have lots of questions, and I’m not afraid to ask them.